How can I become a coach on MVP Academy ?

To become a coach, you can submit an application through the MVP Academy website. We review each application carefully, considering factors such as your experience, qualifications, and coaching abilities. If approved, you will be notified and provided with further instructions on how to set up your coaching profile.

How can I set my coaching rates on MVP Academy ?

As a coach on MVP Academy, you have the flexibility to set your own coaching rates. We recommend considering factors such as your expertise, experience, and market demand when determining your rates. You can adjust them over time based on feedback and demand.

Can I offer different types of coaching services on MVP Academy ?

Yes, on MVP Academy, you can offer various coaching services based on your expertise and the needs of the learners. Some examples include one-on-one coaching, group sessions, workshops, and personalized mentorship. Feel free to explore different coaching formats to cater to a broader audience.